Monday, August 13, 2012

Finance Department returns file for 4th time Lastupdate:- Mon, 13 ...

Srinagar, Aug 12: Contradicting the tall claims of Jammu and Kashmir Government about safeguarding of civil rights, the formation of much-needed State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR) has been virtually grounded due to Finance Department raising unnecessary queries, sources told Greater Kashmir.?
?They said the Finance Department has returned the file over the framing of the law to? pave? the way for setting up of? the rights body to administrative department Social Welfare Department- fourth time.
?According to the sources in Civil Secretariat, the Finance Department has sent the proposed bill for setting up of SCPCR back to the Social Welfare Department fourth time.
?While returning the file to SWD, sources said, Finance Department has asked them to furnish details about the composition of such Commissions in the neighboring states.
?Since, 2011, this is four time that the file regarding the formation of Commission has been returned by the Finance Department. Earlier, they had returned it by raising queries on financial memorandum, its correction and State Human Rights Commission, they said.
?An official in Civil Secretariat wishing anonymity said that some of the queries raised by the Finance Department were unnecessary and not in sync with the job of the department.
?Their job is to look into financial memorandum and sort out lacunas, if any, is in it and not to seek extra details about structure as well as functioning of the Commission or other such bodies, he said.
?Pertinently, the bills having financial implications are sent to the Finance Department for the concurrence before being tabled in the State Cabinet for approval.
?Sources said the draft of the bill for constituting SCPCR was prepared by SWD in 2010 and later Law Department cleared it.
?The bill, according to the sources, is modeled on the national Act. The Commission for Protection of Child Rights 2005- and?? State Commission would also have a chairperson and six other members on the lines of National Commission.
?Unlike other rights? bodies? like State Human Rights Commission, State Accountability? Commission? and State Vigilance Commission where the heads and members are appointed by high level? empowered committee? headed by Chief Minister, the members , as per the draft ,? of the? SCPCR are? to be nominated by the? State? Government directly.
?A top official in State administration said Jammu and Kashmir Government has turned deaf ears to repeated pleas of Centre and National Commission for Protection of Child Rights for setting up of Commission for safeguarding child rights.
?Every time government feeds Centre with lame-excuses about setting up of the body whenever they raise the issue, the official said, adding that such a body is most needed in JK.
?All other states except JK are under jurisdiction of NCPCR and despite being covered by NCPCR, seventeen states have constituted such bodies to strengthen child rights mechanism, he said.
?Meanwhile, activists working on the child rights in Jammu and Kashmir claim that the inordinate delay in forming the body is making children vulnerable to violence and exploitation.
?Talking to Greater Kashmir Muhammad Sharief Bhat, state program manager, Save the Children,? said, formation of the body is most important keeping in view the current situation of the state.
?It will provide protective mechanism to children against violence, labour and arrests, Bhat said.
?Dr Rouf Mohiuddin Malik, who is working with Child Rights and You (CRY) said: Without a child protection commission, most of the child rights issues go unheard. Had we got the commission here the incidents like G B Pant would have been taken care of properly and culprits would have been brought to justice.
?Pertinently, the replacement of archaic juvenile justice law in the state has also been hit due to financial implications.

Lastupdate on : Sun, 12 Aug 2012 21:30:00 Mecca time
Lastupdate on : Sun, 12 Aug 2012 18:30:00 GMT
Lastupdate on : Mon, 13 Aug 2012 00:00:00 IST


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