Monday, August 13, 2012

Core Curriculum (Complex B) | MEN'S HEALTH


Fire up your metabolism with this do anywhere workout.


Forget about the ?fat-burning zone,? that low-effort no-man?s-land where your body supposedly uses flab for fuel. It?s bunk, says Robert dos Remedios CSCS, head strength and conditioning coach at California?s College of the Canyons. ?The key to shedding pounds is increasing workout intensity,? says Coach Dos, who created the two ?complexes? on this page. ?Doing exercises back-to-back at maximum effort revs your metabolism for up to 36 hours.? Fitness experts call it the afterburn effect; you can just call it smart training.


How to do it

There are 2 complexes for these exercises. Perform 10 reps of each move from Complex A, and rest for the same length of time it took you to do the complex. Do this 2 more times, rest for 3 minutes and proceed to Complex B. Do the same for that. You?ll need a stopwatch and some paper plates for some of these exercises.


Complex B


Spiderman Press-up

Assume a standard press-up position but with your palms on the plates. As you lower your body, slide your left palm along the floor in front of you, lift your right foot and swing your right leg out sideways. Try to touch your right knee to your right elbow. Return to the starting position and repeat with your right arm and left leg. That?s 1 rep.


Mountain Climber

Assume a press-up position with your arms straight and your toes on the plates. Bring your left knee toward your chest by sliding your left toes forward. Return to the starting position. Repeat with your right knee. That?s 1 rep.



Assume a press-up position but with your weight resting on your forearms and your feet on the plates. Brace your abs, squeeze your glutes and push back with your upper arms. (You?ll feel your core engage as your feet slide backward.) Return to the starting position and repeat.



Go to Complex A.



Images by Beth Bischoff.


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