Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Justin Timberlake: Suit And Tie (LISTEN)

Finally Justin Timberlake is making new music. It has been a looooooong time coming. His last album hit in 2006 – we are talking nearly a decade people! Withdrawal! PR Photos Justin is back and doing it again. He has collaborated with Timberland once again, and his first single off of his new album, The 20/20 Experience, features Jay Z. Suit and Tie has a different sound, almost classical, jazzy with a funky twist. He wrote about finding inspiration and where it came from on his blog: ?So, here goes: This year is an exciting one for me. As you probably have heard through the ?grapevine,? I?m gearing up for a big 2013. Back in June of last year, I quietly started working on what is now, my next journey with that thing I love called MUSIC. The inspiration for this really came out of the blue and to be honest, I didn?t expect anything out of it. I just went into the studio and started playing around with some sounds and songs. It was probably the best time I?ve had in my career? Just creating with no rules and/or end goal in mind and really enjoying the process. What [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/nHHrxQ8e6b0/

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