Thursday, October 11, 2012

Playroom Flooring Ideas | Toddler Times

rugs 300x200 Flooring Ideas for Bedrooms and PlayroomsWell, we finally picked it out. After two home depot visits, including this one, we ended up buying a rug for the playroom from the online selection.

If you?re searching for a cool rug for your kid?s bedroom or a playroom, Home Depot?s website is where it?s at, y?all.

Since the playroom is where Violet and Henry spend most of their time I want it to be colorful and comfortable. Home Depot?s site has pages and pages of colorful, durable rugs in all shapes and sizes.

Ultimately, we narrowed our choices down to the five options below. Today I finally pulled the trigger and ordered one. It should be here in 3 to 5 business days (free shipping!) and then I?ll unfurl that bad boy in our playroom, snap a few photos and show you which one we chose.

I know you?ll be on pins and needles until then so, in the meantime, lemme know which rug you like best in the photos below. All of them are around $120. I?ll be interested to see if you choose the one we ended up ordering.

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    Option 4

    You can find this rug on the Home Depot website by clicking here.


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A big thanks to Home Depot for sponsoring this campaign. Click here to see more of the discussion.

Read more from Monica on Toddler Times:

The Life And Times Of Our Heroine, Wylet

What Were They Thinking?! The Most Age-Inappropriate Toddler Gear

20 Everyday Items My Toddler Finds Fascinating

You can also find Monica on her personal blog, The Girl Who.

 Flooring Ideas for Bedrooms and Playrooms


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