Thursday, September 27, 2012

Southwest Airlines Sued By Passenger After She Burns Herself With ...

Posted: September 26, 2012

Southwest Airlines

A female Southwest Airlines passenger from Tennessee has filed an $800,000 lawsuit against the company after she was burned by an extremely hot cup of tea.

Angelica Keller was traveling from Nashville to New Orleans when she ordered a cup of tea during a Houston stop over. While seated in a window seat aboard Flight 955, Keller ordered her hot drink which was brought to her in a cup of??extremely hot water? sitting in another cup which contained the tea bag and condiment packets.

In her complaint, Keller?s attorney rights:

?Plaintiffs efforts to extricate the tea bag from its position of being wedged between the tilted paper ?hot cup? of extremely hot water and the shorter clear plastic soft drink cup, the extremely hot water spilled into her lap at her groin area.?

The spill led to second degree burns and skin blistering which left scares.

According to?Southwest spokesman Chris Mainz

?Our Customers? comfort is our top priority at all times, and we safely serve about 100 million drinks onboard every year. The referenced event is unfortunate, and we are currently reviewing it. We can?t provide additional details due to the pending lawsuit that was filed.?

Keller was seated in the front row of a Southwest flight, that row of seats does not have food trays, which the plaintiff says contributed to the injury.

Southwest Airlines claims that the temperature of its hot tea has never been an issue in the past.

The lawsuit is asking for?$300,000 in property damages, medical bills, injuries, and pain and suffering. The plaintiff is also demanding $500,000 in punitive damages.


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