Monday, April 22, 2013

Italian protest party: people fed up with politics

ROME (AP) ? A day after Italy's president was re-elected to an unprecedented second term, the leader of an anti-establishment movement says citizens' patience with traditional parties is wearing thin.

Beppe Grillo, a comic who heads the Five Star Movement, has dismissed President Giorgio Napolitano's re-election as a bid by doomed parties to hang onto power.

Grillo, whose party is the No. 3 bloc in Parliament, predicted in Rome on Sunday that traditional parties would "last a year."

The mainstream blocs are still bickering over how to form the next government two months after inconclusive national elections. Napolitano was re-elected Saturday after Parliament's mainstream parties couldn't agree on a new personality. Napolitano could tap someone to try to form a governing coalition this week.


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