Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Preventing Fighting over the Funeral in Missouri | Missouri Estate ...

Posted on by Rick ?

A sad situation presented itself a few weeks ago. ?A funeral director was demanding that all the children of a recently deceased client consent to a cremation. One of the children was out of the country permanently, and could not be reached. Fortunately I was able to convince the lawyer for the funeral home that the child making the arrangements had every right to do so.

In Missouri, this so called??Right of Sepulcher??is governed by statute. It sets up a logical order of people who can make decisions. The surviving spouse, if there is one, is first, children are next, etc. If children can?t agree then generally the first one there who takes financial responsibility gets to choose.

If you are concerned about this kind of fight on your passing you can make a special provision in your Missouri Durable Power of Attorney addressing this specifically ? in other words, you can choose who will make the arrangements. Pre-planning your funeral or cremation is also a good idea.? Another good idea is creating a set of?Final Instructions to Loved Ones.

Contact us if you have other questions.

Source: http://www.kctrustlaw.com/2012/02/20/preventing-fighting-over-the-funeral-in-missouri/

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Friday, February 17, 2012

CERN crew takes to Google+ for live Hangout

CERN Hangout
Got questions for CERN crew? We know we do. For instance, if a Higgs boson falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it still create a miniature black hole that swallows the Earth and destroys us all? Well if you've got queries for the folks working the LHC, attempting to unlock the secrets of the universe then hit up the source link for a live Hangout at that most nerdy of social networks Google+. The conversation starts at 1 pm eastern time.

CERN crew takes to Google+ for live Hangout originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 15 Feb 2012 12:43:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/3akwEvFEayA/

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How Fresno Chiropractors Help With Headache Pain | New Health ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Many people suffer from headaches. While there are many options for headache treatment, Fresno chiropractors offer therapy that is often the most effective. Chiropractic care attacks headaches at the source of the pain, allowing healing to take place so headaches may not return. If they do return, they are often less painful and less frequent.

The first response of many people when a headache is felt is to take some type of pill. Whether you choose over-the-counter medication or prescription medication, these drugs do not treat the source of headaches. Many of these medications have side effects that are worse than the pain of the headache the sufferer is trying to relieve.

Often headache sufferers consider stress is the cause of their headache. Although stress is a real force in life, it is the body?s response to stress that has the greatest effect on health. Chiropractic care can better prepare the body to deal with the stress factors in life, resulting in fewer headaches.

Most headaches do not go away without help. In addition, unless the therapy selected helps to relieve the problem at its root, the headache will return. Chiropractic therapy offers natural alternatives for headaches. These alternatives are noninvasive and do not require the patient to use medication.

Chiropractic doctors find that many headaches originate in places other than the head. Often neck injuries are involved that occurred may years earlier. Chiropractors make use of the chiropractic adjustment in order to restore balance to the spine so that headache pain stops.

Headache pain can prevent individuals from enjoying life. However, Fresno chiropractors offer therapy to end the headaches. The therapy used by the chiropractor to relieve headaches is non invasive. As balance is restored to the body, the damaged tissues can start to heal, reducing the pain of the headache. fresno chiropractors

Learn more here: fresno chiropractors

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Source: http://newhealthandfitness.org/2012/02/08/how-fresno-chiropractors-help-with-headache-pain/

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EU Robin Hood Tax would boost growth, say experts ? Tax ...

I have shamelessly lifted the following from Owen Tudor on the TUC?s Touchstone blog:

A new?report,?launched?in Brussels on Monday by the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament,?shows?that ? contrary to what?the finance sector?s paid lobbyists have been insisting ? a European financial transaction tax (FTT)?would boost growth in Europe by at least 0.25%,? raise?the revenue to combat poverty and climate change at home and abroad, and help re-balance the economy by making long-term investment more worthwhile than short-term, high frequency trading. This new report by noted economists?Prof Avinash Persaud?and?Prof Stephany Griffith-Jones?comes on top of revised estimates from the European Commission who originally produced some of the data that fat cat financiers pounced upon. The Commission?s original impact assessment was based on a flawed model which shows all taxes as harming growth, whatever the revenues are used for, but misunderstandings of what the impact assessment showed were used to create concern among progressive politicians and abused by people opposed to the tax all along to justify their position (even though the same people shed few tears over the impact on growth of measures they support like increased VAT or cuts in public services.)

Welcoming the new report, Socialist?MEP Anni Podimata, who will draft the European Parliament?s report on the Commission?s proposed FTT,?said:

?This study confirms what we have been saying all along.? The financial markets have to make a fair contribution to the crisis they provoked.?An FTT will reduce the fragmentation of the internal market. Put together with other tools, it will act as a disincentive to high frequency trading and other practices which increase risk without ensuring liquidity.?This would contribute to a better financing of the real economy, encourage investment and job creation in the EU.?The S&D Group is against putting the entire burden on ordinary taxpayers, and calls for measures to boost growth. In this sense, an FTT is an integral part of this approach.?

The Commission?s new approach was set out last week in a combative article in several national newspapers around Europe by EU Tax Commissioner Semeta -?only a year ago?an FTT-sceptic ? who?wrote:

The more the financial transaction tax approaches implementation, the shriller ? hardly by chance ? the rhetoric of its opponents. They twist the Commission?s official data and thereby invent apocalyptic scenarios concerning the impacts of the tax on growth, employment and competitiveness.

The FTT will neither damage growth and competitiveness nor lead to more unemployment. From an isolated perspective every tax causes economic costs. However, the costs of the FTT are small and, absolutely legitimate, given the enormous support the financial sector has been granted in the recent years. Furthermore, the costs have to be offset against the positive effects from the use of the revenues of the FTT.

The Griffth-Jones/Persuad?paper also disproves the suggestion that an FTT would hit pension funds or pensions, and urges the European Commission to use the model of? the UK stamp duty to prevent evasion by forum-hopping, rather than the Commission?s current proposal of a ?residence principle?.

Source: http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2012/02/07/eu-robin-hood-tax-would-boost-growth-say-experts/

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

FDA pushes worldwide device code (Politico)

Millions of Americans are walking around with artificial joints, pacemakers, stents and other implants. But federal regulators know more about where a pallet of dog food went than a batch of hip replacements.

Unlike prescription drugs or, for that matter, food at the grocery store, medical devices have no uniform labeling system ? like a bar code ? that would allow a central, computerized database to keep track of them.

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The result is that when a device is found to have problems, tracking down which hospitals have them, for instance, and in which patients they were implanted, can be extremely slow, labor-intensive and incomplete.

And problems occur. The Food and Drug Administration recalled more than 40 devices last year, including implantable defibrillator leads with the potentially lethal risk of pulling out of a patient?s heart and failing. They were distributed for more than nine years before the flaw was discovered and the recall was issued last November.

A solution approved by Congress nearly five years ago is stuck in the federal regulatory maze for reasons that are unclear.

It?s a pick-your-sad-joke kind of situation.

?We can recall tainted dog food faster than a pacemaker,? said Amanda Forster, a senior communications director at Premier, an alliance of 2,500 hospitals that is advocating for fast implementation of a universal labeling system. ?It?s just shocking.?

Congress voted overwhelmingly in 2007 for the FDA to create a uniform device identification system ? standardized coding that would make tracking devices relatively simple with the same basic scanning technology used at the checkout counter.

It would bring other efficiencies ? like inventory management for hospital systems ? to bear as well. And the device industry is likely to benefit despite the significant upfront investment to put the systems in place.

The FDA has been coordinating with device regulators around the world in a push to develop a uniform code that would be a regulatory relief for an increasingly globalized industry.

?A unified system internationally is a big advantage for companies because we wouldn?t have to deal with 200 different sets of rules,? said Jeff Secunda, vice president for technology and regulatory affairs at AdvaMed, the industry?s major trade association.

The catch: After working for four years on the problem, the FDA sent its proposal last July to the Office of Management and Budget for review, and it?s been stuck there ever since. And the OMB has offered no explanation for the delay, to the growing frustration of industry, health care providers and consumer groups, who want to see the system in place soon.

That can?t happen before OMB releases the proposed rule, all of the stakeholders put in their two cents and the regulation becomes final.

In September, the original target date for the review, a group of hospital associations, specialty societies and others wrote a letter to then-OMB Director Jack Lew asking for quick action. They got no response.

Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.) is drafting a letter to press OMB, too.

?[Unique device identifiers] provide an important post-market safety tool that would help track problems and allow recalled devices to be quickly located,? Kohl said in a statement to POLITICO, adding: ?For every day that we wait on putting UDIs in place, a significant number of patients are placed at risk.?

OMB declined to comment, but a representative said it?s not uncommon for review periods to be extended for far-reaching regulations.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/politics/*http%3A//us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/external/politico_rss/rss_politico_mostpop/http___www_politico_com_news_stories0212_72514_html/44440298/SIG=11mgahh78/*http%3A//www.politico.com/news/stories/0212/72514.html

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Monday, February 6, 2012

10 Facts and Fibs About Pink Floyd

by Nic Swaner

Pink Floyd are one of, if not the most, well-known rock bands of the progressive rock genre, capturing the essence of lengthy instrumental passages and complementing them with memorable vibes and clear lyrics. Their concepts were compelling, from early psychedelic eccentricities to the formation of a concept album. They were shaped by Barrett?s inventiveness, Water?s writing skill and passion, Gilmour?s affection for chords and yet simplicity, Wright?s compositional knowledge, Nick Mason?s resourcefulness, and the numerous jazz influences they were inspired by and would frequently come back to. This list attempts to highlight some relatively unknown facts about Pink Floyd as well as addressing myths about the band. The list is in an order deemed relevant.


Nick Mason is the longest running member of Pink Floyd, from the Barrett era to the times of the dehydrated Floyd (i.e. without Roger Waters). In his time with Pink Floyd he rarely ventured out of his comfort zone of percussive instruments, taking failed violin lessons and providing special effects and sounds. But how did the band acquire him as a drummer? According to Mark Blake, author of ?Comfortably Numb: The Inside Story of Pink Floyd,? Nick Mason was looked well upon as a drummer because he could provide the funds and transport to buy instruments and get them to gigs. Despite this oversight by the band, Mason proved to be an effective drummer, and contributed to the composition of such songs as Time, Echoes, and Speak to Me (solely credited to him). His voice is also featured on the track One of These Days.


Associated with two similar quotes, the song Any Colour You Like from Dark Side of the Moon seems to reference Henry Ford?s quote: ?You can have it any color you like, as long as it?s black.? While the title?s concept does concern the lack of choice in the modern world, the origin of the title does not come from Henry Ford?s quote, it comes from an observation Roger Waters made while living in Cambridge. As the inspiration for this list this excerpt was and can be found in an essay titled ?Which One?s Pink?? by musicologist Phil Rose.

?In Cambridge where I lived, people would come from London in a van ? a truck ? open the back and stand on the tailboard of the truck, and the truck?s full of stuff that they?re trying to sell. And they have a very quick and slick patter, and they?re selling things like crockery, china, sets of knives and forks. All kinds of different things, and they sell it very cheap with a patter. They tell you what it is, and they say ?It?s ten plates, lady, and it?s this, that, and the other, and eight cups and saucers, and for the lot I?m asking NOT ten pounds, NOT five pounds, NOT three pounds . . . fifty bob to you!?, and they get rid of this stuff like this. If they had sets of china, and they were all the same color, they would say, ?You can ?ave ?em, ten bob to you, love. Any color you like, they?re all blue.? And that was just part of that patter. So, metaphorically, ?Any Colour You Like? is interesting, in that sense, because it denotes offering a choice where there is none. And it?s also interesting that in the phrase, ?Any color you like, they?re all blue,? I don?t know why, but in my mind it?s always ?they?re all blue,? which, if you think about it, relates very much to the light and dark, sun and moon, good and evil. You make your choice but it?s always blue.?

In addition to the title of the song, the work in progress had various names, such as Scat or Scat Section, and has also been known as Breathe (2nd Reprise) due to its similar beat and chord sequence.

Staying on the topic of what is considered to be Pink Floyd?s magnum opus, Dark Side of the Moon makes use of voices throughout the album. These voices were generated by questions Roger Waters had written up on cue cards and were subsequently asked to roadies, doormen, members of the band Wings, and anyone available at Abbey Road. The approximately twenty questions ranged from ?When was the last time you were violent and were you in the right?? to ?What does the phrase ?The Dark Side of the Moon? mean to you?? The laughter that can be heard on Speak to Me and Brain Damage is that of Peter Watts, a road manager for Pink Floyd. In addition to the voices, at the end of the album, faint music can be heard, which is presumed to be an instrumental version of Ticket to Ride by the Beatles in the background. It has been proposed that while recording doorman Jerry Driscoll?s response (?there is no dark side of the moon really, as a matter of fact it?s all dark?) that somewhere in Abbey Road, Ticket to Ride was playing and was picked up by the microphones.


Syd Barrett?s Self-Destruction

Posedbyhiswork India Ink

Pioneering the Pink Floyd?s sound, Barrett has widely been viewed as a musical genius for his contributions to the 1960s? underground psychedelic scene. Little seems to focus on the man behind the music aside from his mental meltdown that ultimately led to the band abandoning him while on the way to a gig in 1968. Slowly, he reverted from Syd Barrett to his given name of Roger Barrett as he slipped into ever-increasing obscurity after departing the band. He would continue to release two solo albums with the help of David Gilmour, but eventually succumbed to a private life in Cambridge. Media outlets and fans sought him out in the later years of the Floyd, a concept that Barrett did not understand; he lived firmly in the present and did not take advantage of his past. Becoming more aware of the materialism that surrounded his artistic creations as he tried to live as privately as possible, he began to practice a form of self-destruction on his artwork.

Barrett himself had studied and practiced with paint, ink and pencil while in the band?s oldest incarnations. He would continue this throughout his time with Pink Floyd and after his era as front-man. With a strong disinterest in materialism and utter disbelief behind why people sought him out, he continued painting and creating works of art with a new-found method to deal with the clamor. He took on a ritual of photographing his completed works and then destroying the canvas, sometimes by burning his own work. As the metaphor that it unintentionally is for the development of the band, Barrett has managed to encapsulate the aspect of how he deals with the pressure of attention and demand in the industry (and earlier in time, the presence of drugs) with this damaging and brash act. [Source] http://www.sydbarrett.com/biography.htm

Warner Bros Studio Lot

Pink Floyd?s album art is as legendary as the band itself, addressing the themes in their music with visuals as impressive as the content itself. Gerald Scarfe and Storm Thurgeson, two artists often associated with Pink Floyd, are behind much of the 1970s era Floyd artwork. Scarfe drew content for The Wall album and Thurgeson designed the album artwork behind The Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here. On the DSOTM?s iconic sleeve is a prism that represents the band?s stage lighting, the record?s lyrical themes, and keyboardist Rick Wright?s request for a simple and bold design. Of the seven designs presented to the band, the prism was unanimously chosen. As the band could afford to be pickier however, things became more complicated.

Wish You Were Here?s cover image consists of two businessmen meeting in the street, greeting each other with an empty handshake, one man on fire. The image was inspired by the idea that people tend to conceal their true feelings, for fear of ?getting burned.? This was a common phrase in the music industry, used often by artists denied royalty payments. In the image, two stuntmen were used, one dressed in a fire-retardant suit covered by a business suit. His head was protected by a hood, underneath a wig. The photograph was taken at the Warner Bros. studios in Los Angeles. Initially the wind was blowing in the wrong direction, and the flames were forced into the stuntman?s face, burning his mustache. This was easily remedied, however, with the two stuntmen changing positions. The photograph was later reversed.

For the Animals? cover image, they were careful with how they planned to orchestrate a pig on the wing. After commissioning a German company Ballon Fabrik (who had previously constructed Zeppelin airships) and Australian artist to build a porcine balloon, known as Algie, the balloon was inflated with helium and maneuvered into position with a trained marksman ready to fire if it escaped. Unfortunately, inclement weather delayed work, and the band?s manager neglected to book the marksman for a second day. The balloon, obviously testing Murphy?s law, broke free of its moorings and disappeared from view. It landed in Kent and was recovered by a local farmer, who was furious that it had ?scared his cows.? The balloon was recovered and filming continued for a third day, but as the early photographs of the power station were considered better, the image of the pig was later superimposed onto one of those.


Another Brick in the Wall II


This is a short summary of a greater and much more in-depth analysis of the album The Wall and its many moving parts, courtesy of Bret Urick. While the album itself is full of symbolism, literary devices, themes and other items of significance ? hammers, bricks, walls, worms ? the song Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2 is full of oxymoronic and contradictory statements throughout despite its unifying stance against the way institutions stifle creativity in today?s classrooms. As Waters, Wright, and Gilmour sing a choir of restless schoolchildren to rebel against the harsh and cynical treatment of their teachers, there is a certain antithesis in the air that is apparent in the lyrics.

While fighting for individuality, the lyrics of Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2 ironically are saturated with references to conformity. There is no ?I?, or singular driven character as with the rest of the album, there is a ?we.? This plurality is identity-robbing, as evidenced by the kids? actions while under the teacher?s rules and while ransacking the school in the film based on the album. The children in the second verse sing lyrics of personal revolution, yet it is accompanied with their symmetrical lockstep rhythm, both musically and physically. Notwithstanding their rebellious tendencies, they have become as comparable as when they were clones of one another. Moreover, one could delve into the effects of mass psychology and the pressure from amongst peers to contribute to the violence and chaos that is the literal tearing-down-of-the-school-walls. It is a momentary victory for Pink in his struggle against his figurative wall, which explains the expressive guitar solo amidst the rigid disco structure of the song.

1970 029 Syd Barrett

Most agree or are of the opinion that Syd Barrett had a breakdown in early 1968 due to the increasing notoriety of the band and his drug use. Rob Chapman, author of ?Syd Barrett: A Very Irregular Head,? however, argues that Syd?s madness was a misunderstanding of his artistic intent. He claims the motive behind the other band members abandoning Syd is that when the band was on the verge of becoming financially successful, Barrett wanted to turn to a different form of sonic experimentation. He attributes Barrett?s actions (such as playing one untuned string during a whole performance) as acts of defiance against the band members who disagreed with him.

Chapman takes it even further by analyzing Syd?s Pink Floyd songs and work from his solo years. He reasons that had Syd had a mental breakdown, that his writing would have suffered as much as he had. Like in his years with Pink Floyd, Chapman finds references and quotes spread throughout, from Huff the Talbot and our Cat Tib (Mother Goose rhyme), Thomas Nashe?s Summer?s Last Will and Testament (an Elizabethan masque play), Shakespeare?s King Henry VI Pt. 1, Kenneth Grahame?s The Wind In The Willows, poems from: Anonymous (Mr Nobody), John Clare (Fairy Things), Sir Henry Newbolt (Rilloby-Rill) and William Howitt (The Wind in a Frolic) ? all in the song Octopus from the album The Madcap Laughs. How near or how far into this we delve, his music remains influential.

Pink Floyd Live At Pompeii-0

In 1972, Pink Floyd released a live performance album recorded from the amphitheater of Pompeii and a studio in France. While the location of Pompeii?s amphitheater without an audience served as an excellent statement against the live recordings of the time in which bands were shown alongside their adoring fans, it most importantly was symbolic of the history of Pompeii.

The initial idea behind Live at Pompeii wasn?t Pompeii at all, but was, as conceptualized by the director, combining the Floyd?s music with contemporary art. In a meeting with David Gilmour and the band?s manager the band declined this idea, agreeing to talk about it at a later date. Adrien Maben, the director, went on holiday to Italy in early summer 1971. It was in Pompeii that Adrien Maben lost his passport, and retracing his steps, was surprisingly let back into the ancient city. There is no better way to sum up the spirit of the Live At Pompeii recordings than what Maben described seeing in the empty amphitheater:

?I returned alone, retracing my steps along the empty streets of Pompeii, back to the amphitheater of stone walls and seats.

?It was strange. A huge deserted amphitheater filled with echoing insect sounds, flying bats and the disappearing light which meant that I could hardly see the opposite side of this huge structure built more than two thousand years ago.

?I knew by instinct that this was the place for the film. It had to be here. It somehow all came together that evening in the ancient city. Film the empty amphitheater, resurrect the spirit of Pompeii with sound and color, imagine that ghosts of the past could somehow return.?

It is a complete myth that Italian authorities would only let Pink Floyd play in Pompeii as long as there wasn?t an audience; the Soprintendenza of Naples (the official board that controls the site of Pompeii) was skeptical of a rock group playing at a site of cultural value, but the idea that there would be no audience was not imposed by the Soprintendenza.

The Publius Enigma is a mystery surrounding the Division Bell album, and is suspected of being both an early example of a viral marketing campaign and a puzzle that was eventually abandoned by its creators. Whether or not the enigma is an officially solvable puzzle still remains unclear but has been confirmed by Mason in his book ?Inside Out: A Personal History of Pink Floyd? as being a marketing ploy of EMI and that ?Publius? was not a fictitious spokesperson for the band, but rather, an actual person coordinating an orchestration of events geared to stir and stimulate Floyd fans for the Division Bell Tour.

Publius promised an unspecified reward for solving the riddle and further claimed that there was an enigma hidden within the artwork, music and lyrics of the album. Outcries from skeptics soon followed, only to be shushed when Publius affirmed his appearance at a live venue: ?Monday, July 18, East Rutherford, New Jersey. Approximately 10:30pm. Flashing white lights. There is an enigma.? Sticking to his promise, the words ENIGMA and PUBLIUS appeared in bold white lights during the song Keep Talking. Further authenticating Publius?s existence during the televised and recorded concert at Earl?s Court, London, the word ENIGMA was projected onto the backdrop during the song Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2. On the P?U?L?S?E DVD of that concert, extra markings were also added with the clue L = mc?, only to be quickly overlaid with E = mc?.

Adding to the validity and perpetuation of the Publius Enigma are further clues from Pink Floyd paraphernalia: ?Publius Enigma? can be heard spoken just before the song One of These Days on the 2003 DVD release of Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii. Page 13 of the The Division Bell?s CD booklet contains an anagram of the word ?enigma,? hidden in the third column from the right of the lyrics to Wearing the Inside Out. The following are wild and often irrational associations to other significant events, but keep in mind this was EMI?s brainchild.

?The page numbers of The Division Bell?s CD booklet are written in various languages and printed on silhouettes of the head statues shown on the cover of the album. Page 11 shows two head silhouettes. Printed on either one is the German word for eleven, ?elf,? resulting in ?elf elf,? or, ?eleven eleven.? The trailer for the 2009 film 11:11 features the song High Hopes. High Hopes is the 11th track on The Division Bell. The release date of David Gilmour?s On An Island, March 6, 2006, is exactly eleven months and eleven years after the U.S. release date of The Division Bell, April 5, 1994.

On June 11, 1994, Publius made his first enigma post to the Pink Floyd newsgroup. Eleven years later, on June 11, 2005, Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright agreed to reunite as Pink Floyd for Live 8. During the broadcast (and as seen on the Live 8 DVD), the band took the stage just shortly after 11:00 p.m., and by 11:11, Pink Floyd were playing together as a four-man lineup for the first time in twenty four years.?


Dark Side of the Rainbow

Dark Side of the Rainbow, or the Dark Side of Oz, is an alleged purposeful synchronization (though sometimes claimed as an unintentional collaboration of creative souls) of the album The Dark Side of the Moon with the film The Wizard of Oz. The rumors surfaced around 1994 that the album was a soundtrack for the movie, with connections being made between actions by the characters and lyrics on the album. For instance, Dorothy balances on a tight-rope fence during the line ?balanced on the biggest wave? in the song Breathe and she begins to jog when the words ?no one told you when to run? are sung during Time. Tracks also transition when scenes change, and songs such as The Great Gig in the Sky play for the entirety of Dorothy?s house caught in the Kansas twister. The culmination of the lion?s second roar concludes with a heartbeat, a tin man, and the previously mentioned faint music, making for quite a convincing argument for those who are compelled to believe that this is a stroke of Floyd genius. The members of the band deny the claims however and the producers recall no mention of the movie during recording of the album.

Another interesting synchronicity (a phenomenon in which coincidental events ?seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality,? as explained by Carl Jung) is 2011: a Pink Floyd Odyssey. The final segment, Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite, is of a similar length of Pink Floyd?s song Echoes. Stanley Kubrick originally offered Pink Floyd a part producing the music behind the film, but Waters would decline as he was trying to distance the band from the space-rock genre. The theory from fans is that after seeing Kubrick?s masterpiece, they (or Waters individually) regretted missing out on the offer and set out to create a piece of music that would fit the movie. While there are parallels to Dark Side of the Rainbow, such as scenes changing with the music, it is ultimately a lesser journey in coincidence.

Source: http://listverse.com/2012/02/06/10-facts-and-fibs-about-pink-floyd/

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Heavy snow traps many people in Bosnia (AP)

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina ? Bosnia's government declared a state of emergency in its capital on Saturday after Sarajevo was paralyzed by snow, and hundreds of people remained trapped in their homes and vehicles throughout the country.

After a weeklong cold snap that has killed scores of people across Eastern Europe, more than three feet (one meter) of snow fell in Sarajevo on Saturday, closing roads and public transportation.

Some neighborhoods reported water shortages, and residents struggled to make it to local shops to shore up on food. Several people said they witnessed fist fights in shops over loaves of bread.

But the crisis also produced camaraderie.

In one area of central Sarajevo, men shoveling the deep snow were being given tea, coffee and hamburgers and meatballs that local women had barbecued. One elderly man who didn't know how to help out stood at an open window of his house playing his clarinet.

Schools have been closed in Bosnia for days because of the tough winter weather, and many travelers have been trapped on the country's roads since Friday evening.

"This is unbelievable. I can't remember snow like this in the past 30 years, said Mirsada Mitrovic, a resident of Sarajevo. "Maybe when I was a child, but since then nothing like this."

The state of emergency order said all schools must remain closed in Sarajevo, that women and children should stay at home, and that men should only report to work if their jobs are essential. It also ordered men who own shovels or vehicles big enough to plow snow to help the city clear the streets, especially ones leading to hospitals.

Meanwhile, efforts were under way to rescue hundreds of people trapped on snow-covered highways.

For example, in a tunnel south of Sarajevo, vehicles carrying about 30 people were stuck in a tunnel and called local radio stations to appeal for help, saying they had children with them and were running out of fuel. But when snow plows arrived on the scene, they also got stuck Saturday, officials said.

In neighboring Montenegro, a three-day snowstorm that has closed roads and the main airport in the capital, Podgorica, claimed its first victim: a 54-year-old man who died when an avalanche hit his car on a road near the town of Kolasin.

Even top government officials were waylaid.

The presidents of Serbia and Croatia, who had attended a summit at a ski resort near Sarajevo on Friday, were unable able to immediately leave the mountain after the meeting.

Officials in Serbia said around 60,000 people throughout the country remain cut off by the snow. Seven people have died so far and one is missing, while 23 people have been rescued in the past 24 hours, said Serbian emergency police official Predrag Maric.

In Croatia, authorities in a strip along the Adriatic coast declared emergency measures and urged the army's help in clearing up the snow, which is otherwise very rare in the area. Croatian authorities said three people have died in the freeze.

But the brutal winter weather didn't stop everyone.

In Moscow, where temperatures sank to minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit (-20 Celsius), tens of thousands of people held another massive anti-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin rally on Saturday.

The weeklong cold snap ? Eastern Europe's worst in decades ? has killed at least 176 people, many of them homeless people, especially in countries such as Ukraine.

On Saturday, Ukraine's Emergency Ministry said 122 people have died there over the past eight days, including 78 homeless people found on city streets. Nearly 1,600 other residents have been hospitalized with hypothermia and frostbite. Snow and temperatures hovering around 3 degrees Fahrenheit (-16 Celsius) prompted authorities to close schools and colleges, and to cancel bus services.

In Montenegro, police said that more than 100 people, including children on a school trip, were evacuated from the roads blocked by snow and taken to a shelter near Podgorica.

Early Saturday, rescuers reached a minibus with 11 passengers that was trapped for several hours by an avalanche in the Tara River canyon of Montenegro. They were later evacuated by boats over a nearby artificial lake as the roads remained blocked.

With rail services at a standstill across the small nation, Montenegro's government said it plans to hold an emergency session to discuss ways of coping with the cold snap.

In Austria, temperatures in the western city of Salzburg hovered around 7 degrees Fahrenheit (-14 Celsius) on Saturday, and a technical problem at a power plant left 10,000 households without heating on Saturday, Austrian news agency APA reported.

Germany recorded the coldest night of the year, with the thermometer plunging to -16 Fahrenheit (-27 Celsius) in the southern town of Oberstdorf, according to the German Weather Service.

The tough winter weather also has hit cities in southern Europe such as Rome, where snowfalls are rare.

On Saturday, the Italian capital woke up to its second snowfall in two days ? four inches (10 centimeters) ? and some residents used government-distributed shovels to clear sidewalks and piazzas.

Children, meanwhile, enjoyed another day off school.


AP correspondents contributed to this story from across Europe.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/europe/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120204/ap_on_re_eu/eu_europe_weather

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

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Source: http://spaans-in-spanje.info/binary-options-trading-investing-tips-approaches/

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Valentine's Day gift-giving tips | Pro Hands at Work

(ARA) ? Giving your significant other the right gift can make or break your Valentine?s celebration. If you?re also giving something to your best friend, mom and children, you may need a little help finding the perfect token.

Erase some of frustration involved in finding the perfect gift and enjoy the holiday of love and romance with these great Valentine?s gift-giving tips:

* Want to take a unique route but lack a good idea? Start searching for ideas online. Traditional gifts can be altered slightly with gifts that incorporate jewels, chocolate or flowers in an unusual setting. For example, a bouquet of chocolate-covered strawberries designed to look like a bouquet of roses, puts a unique twist on several of the more popular gifting items.

Or deviate completely from the traditional and look for gifts your loved ones would appreciate, but never expect for Valentine?s Day. Use your computer to help you find great gift ideas for others on your Valentine?s Day shopping list like your grandma and best friends. Use search terms like ?gifts for grandma? and ?Valentine?s gifts for friends? to help find ideas.

* If you have an idea in mind, find product reviews and recommendations from experts and savvy shoppers with a few quick online searches. Use forums like FatWallet to read reviews on products ranging from electronics to travel. This way not only will you be able to confirm that your idea is a great one, but also ensure you find the best prices, and the best retailer for that product.

* Don?t forget to search for coupons and deals to maximize your savings. Use Ebates.com to purchase the gifts for everyone on your list and earn cash back on every purchase through thousands of retailers. For example, if you choose to go the traditional route and order your girlfriend a beautiful bouquet of flowers from FTD, you can earn 20 percent cash back from your purchase, on top of any discount coupons available on Ebates.com. Keep that extra cash back handy to make your Valentine?s Day celebration even more special.

Many retailers provide free shipping or delivery, and you may discover you can stack deals, allowing you to save plenty of money this Valentine?s Day and helping to ease your gift shopping frustrations.

Celebrate the holiday of love and romance this year in style with great gifts for your loved ones. Go online, gather great and unique ideas and don?t forget to save while shopping.

Source: http://prohandsatwork.com/?p=53306

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just About All Terrain Vehicle Collision Injuries & Atv Collision ...

In the present modern world connected with technology, motorized vehicles tend to be man?s first preference for easy acquire transportation. Usually, this high quality ATV accessories insurance coverage will extend on the injured driver?s medical bills in addition to damage to the ATV and various property. The plates can also be the main different parts of the battery. Or you will be a farmer or simply rancher that put to use tractors and recreational vehicles for a four-wheeler for place work. And yet such batteries are generally recharged to reverse practise, to return lead ions here we are at the plates and restore hidden acidity of your wet cell. In the event you currently own or are thinking about owning an many terrain vehicle, it is critical you take measures to safeguard yourself, such as defensive gear and car insurance policy coverage.

There are a number of off road vehicles that may be insured with away from road vehicle insurance coverage. From some of those experiences/comments, you can generate conclusions what is the best model you should certainly choose. Yamaha?s Banshee is truly a favorite ATV for those hunting for power. Right now you must to read up to date ATV Off-road From the Evaluations. Oval tracks with many different types of jumps together with obstacles, challenge the riding skills of people daring enough to be able to race their auto or truck. With without the intervention of market mavens, as coined from Gladwell?s The Showing Point, you can filter out the low quality ones, as you come up with a worthwhile purchase.

You acquire a softer type connected with journey, and additional ground clearance which includes a higher tire difficulty. The particular growing popularity can probably be attributed on the discovery of the wide variety of tasks ATVs are capable of doing. Often employed by off road cars and trucks, they can be taken on standard roads but have become noisy. They might often complain that your ATV goggles result in disturbance at travel. Safety accessories (which include Kawasaki mirrors)can only accomplish this much, so take time and just be sure you protect yourself also.

A great chance of bonding and reconnecting while using the family is to stop working your camping gear and embark upon an ATV family trip. Automotive manufacturers have spent money on research looking to manufacture the fantastic off-road vehicles that can deal with not only overwhelming driving conditions in addition to terrain but provide peak performance in normal conditions in addition. Radials allow vehicles to advance and accelerate, making travel likely. If you should mainly trim turf and undertake additional small work, a tight tractor in addition to a zero-turn mower often is the solution.

ATV engine sizes cover anything from 49cc on the reduced end to 1000cc within the upper range, with every imaginable size amongst. This is very useful for checking for live stock in case some cows need wandered off, rounding them up is reached easier riding while on an ATV compared for you to just bow and arrow hunting equipment planning to run them down by walking. The Bolero can be a new SUV having a very modern along with sophisticated look. Many terrain vehicle auctions most often have deals and savings on wheels together with other components. Only the most effective tires offer any balance of longevity and performance, which every auto owner longs intended for. All the width with the tire are available with the help of these two amounts jointly (a couple 2 Equals a lot of inches).

The An important to Z Wedding guest Ranch situated for Kiamichi Mountains is known as a suitable place they are driving your own ATV. If your loved ones happens to private an ATV, be sure that use of under age 16 is ever permitted to drive it. In inescapable fact, it may perhaps even be possible to develop the most impressive looking ATVs within your block! Therefore you have to ensure that ones 4wd vehicle maintain a pool of right 4?4 accessories to ensure vehicle reliability, performance cases for guns not to mention longevity. These still stated they were going to aid the Quest together with Traxter but were travelling to put significant time into building plus marketing the Outlander.

Guest post by Tardie R. Gazda Livengood

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Source: http://www.goldszmidt.net/just-about-all-terrain-vehicle-collision-injuries-atv-collision-analysis/

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Dawn's Reading Nook: Getting to know Sara Daniel Today

Sara, where did you get your inspiration for Mr. Forever?

I loved the idea of a marriage therapist who was so sure of his theories coming face-to-face with the woman who believed those theories destroyed her dreams of happily ever after.? It was so much fun to watch him try to convert her while she's trying to bring down his empire.

How much of your life experience ends up in your books?

Not much!? But I was able to draw on my experience in growing up in the northern United States in the winter and add some great sledding scenes.? Swishing down the hills trying to turn (or bail out!) before you hit a tree, the snow caking around your wrists and neck no matter how well you attempt to bundle up -- that's straight from experience, and it was a delight to include in my book.

What part of the writing experience is the most fun for you? ?And the most?difficult?

It is so much fun to make my characters come alive.? My favorite part of writing is brainstorming "what if" scenarios for my characters.? What if an uptight marriage therapist is told on live TV that he has a child from a one-night stand?? What if the heroine, who loves and cares for this child, had followed his theories and divorced because of it?? What if they are stranded together and are forced to depend on each other?

The most difficult thing for me is promoting and marketing my books.? I prefer to let my books speak for themselves, but for that to happen readers first have to be aware of their existence!

Who has impacted on your writing the most?

Romance Writers of America, specifically my local chapter (Chicago-North) has made all the difference to me.? I'd been writing romance as a hobby since I was in middle school.? Ten years ago, I made writing my career.? I joined RWA and became actively involved in my local chapter.? They guided me through the craft of writing and the publishing side.? I learned both what to do and what not to do when writing, submitting and promoting.

What can we expect from you in the future?

I just turned in A Man Worth Fighting For, part of the shared world Wiccan Haus series.? This story of a (literally and figuratively) wounded hero and the woman determined to fight for him will be released by Musa Publishing on March 23, 2012.? I have a contemporary romance that I'm currently shopping around and a couple more that I'm itching to write, so I'm looking forward to an exciting year with more books to entertain my readers.

Mr. Forever by Sara Daniel

Marriage therapist Caleb Paden has just found out he has a son from a one-night stand, making a mockery of his core belief of stable relationships--"friendship above all physical encounters." On his way to take the child for a paternity test, a snowstorm leaves him stranded with single mom Olivia Wells, who blames his advice for breaking up her marriage.? Caleb finds himself fighting the urge for the most basic of physical encounters.? Olivia would like nothing more than to destroy the career he spent a lifetime building, but her maternal instincts draw her to help Caleb bond with his child.? Soon, she finds herself falling for both of them.? Nowhere in any of his advice does Caleb have an answer for how to make a relationship work if he loses his heart to love.


She shoved his hand away.? "Don't give me that mellow, understanding voice.? You're not my therapist."

"I'm not trying to be.? But if there's a problem with Forever, I want to fix it."

"That's not what you want."? Maybe coming close to her wasn't the best idea.? She was livid.? "You want me to tell you something I did, so you can prove your model's perfect and I'm at fault.? Yes, my marriage failed, and I carry some responsibility.? I blame myself for reading your books and believing they held the secret to everlasting happiness."

He'd met a lot of irate people over the years.? But they were angry with their spouses, themselves, parents, and bosses.? Not him.? He was the one with the answers, the one who redirected the rage into something healthy.? "I'd like to interview you after we've both cooled down and are well rested.? We'll go through the points of Forever one by one and determine where your marriage broke down.? If any problems surface with the model, I can address them in my next book."

"I'll tell you what's wrong.? You underestimate the power of sex."? She advanced toward him.

All the physical senses he thought he'd gotten under tight rein ran wild.? Caleb backed up a step, trying to regain his control, but came up hard against the counter.? Olivia kept coming, boxing him in.? He pulled on his tie again, hoping it was knotted tightly.? He needed his tightly buttoned image to remind himself he was a professional, and his question was strictly as a therapist.? "How was the sex in your marriage?"

"Sometimes mediocre.? Usually lousy."

With the unholy gleam in her eye, he had trouble comprehending the possibility of a sexual experience with her being less than earth-shattering.? Heat radiated from her.? His body was dying for her to lean her hips into his.

"How's your sex life?"? She reached up and unknotted his tie with deft, sure fingers.

"Good enough," he lied.? Too late he realized she'd broken the wall of one-way revelation he always maintained.? Even with his lie for an answer, she'd drawn him in and was consuming him with sexual fantasies.

"Since you're judging me, I ought to get a chance to judge your statement for myself."? She yanked the tie, sliding it out from under his starched shirt collar and heating the back of his neck.

"Stop it."? He was unnerved to find his voice wasn't quite steady.? Women who wanted to be part of his life wrote letters highlighting the benefits of friendship.? "Let's focus on what went wrong in your marriage."

She worked her fingers under his collar, pushing the top button through the hole.? "How can you stand having this so tight?? You can't take a full breath."

He'd been able to breathe just fine until her knuckles rubbed over his Adam's apple.? Her fingers were smooth and competent.? Despite his resolve, he could feel his arousal pulsing with each of her movements.?

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Connect with Sara Daniel

Source: http://dawnsreadingnook.blogspot.com/2012/02/getting-to-know-sara-daniel-today.html

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Friday, February 3, 2012

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Source: http://www.d2pd.com/feature-comparison-paretologic-xoftspyse-obtain-or-paretologic-antimalware/

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Review: Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS) | Video Game News ...

Posted by Martin Watts on Thursday, February 2, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

Has Survival Horror Returned to Its Roots?

The Resident Evil series has taken something of a different direction over the past eight years or so. Starting with Resident Evil 4?s gameplay shift towards the action-shooter genre, some core fans may have felt disappointed that they weren?t getting their fair share of survival horror anymore.

Of course, such is the way with games today; technology and tastes change, and new gameplay concepts come along that provide fresh and new experiences. After all, Resident Evil 4 and many of the subsequent titles have been great games. Nevertheless, that?s not to say that aspects from games of days gone by no longer have their uses.

Resident Evil: Revelations is an intriguing m?lange of concepts. It?s certainly closer to its more recent cousins from a gameplay perspective but takes on the eerie ambiance of earlier titles, as well as the exploration elements. And thankfully, Capcom has executed this superbly for the most part. It isn?t by any means perfect, with the biggest flaw being the single-player mode?s constantly shifting narrative and gameplay styles. The exceptional graphics, strong audio and wealth of options, however, make this a title that all Resident Evil fans will want to play with the lights down, and the volume up. Just make sure you?ve got a spare pair of undies.

Resident Evil: Revelations Boat Interior

Some of the game's interior areas are jaw-dropping.

An Atmospheric Journey

Revelations puts us back in control of everyone?s favourite Resident Evil characters, Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, as well as a couple of new ones along the way. Set between Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, the game takes place, for the most part, on a cruise liner, known as the SS Queen Zenobia, which has been hijacked by a terrorist group known as Veltro. The game explores the game?s narrative in a non-chronological order, exploring both the past events and actions of Veltro and the protagonists, and brings the player up to speed in an interesting way.

The only problem with this is that the game jumps between these different periods too often, meaning that it can be a little hard to follow what?s going on. But the biggest issue here is that it really breaks up the experience. That?s because the parts of the game set aboard the ship are classic Resident Evil through-and-through. The narrow corridors, limited ammo supplies (although not quite to the same extent of earlier titles) and brooding atmosphere all come together to create an intense experience; but?before you know it, you?re whisked off to another location to play as another character, usually in a large, open environment during daylight. Why did Capcom choose to jump between scenes and gameplay styles like this? Revelations was set to make something of a grand revisiting to the core survival-horror genre on behalf of the Resident Evil series. However, before the game even has the chance to fully build up that unsettling feeling, you?re forced back into playing Gears of War: Resident Evil Edition.?And while fighting off hordes of enemies is, in some instances, a fun, frantic affair, it really detracts from the scary?ambience?the boat scenes have.

Chris Redfield and Jessica Sherawat

The story jumps back and forth between characters, which provides variety but confuses the narrative somewhat.

Furthermore, despite the impressive graphical output of the 3DS, there can only be so many enemies on-screen at once ? very rarely do you feel outnumbered (although larger enemies will certainly make you feel outmatched). As a result, the action scenes feel less impressive than they should. It?s a nice idea to add some variety to the game, but it?s poorly executed, mainly because it shifts around so much.

Audio is a key aspect of the game. As stated above, the atmosphere in?Revelations?is often overwhelmingly intense. If you?re only ever going to get to play this game while on the bus or train to work, then at least make sure you invest in a good set of headphones. The creepy, disembodied sounds are really what augment the fear factor. The game itself isn?t particularly scary, unfortunately lacking the same ?jump? factor that earlier managed (like that legendary dog scene in?Resident Evil!), so if you really want to get the most out of it, play this in a quiet place without distractions.

The voice work, on the other hand, is dull and clich?-ridden. Part of this is down to the fact that even after all these years, Chris and Jill just aren?t interesting characters ? Jill overstates the obvious, hardly ever coming across as surprised (although you could forgive her after all these years of zombies and viral outbreaks), whereas Chris is just the gruff soldier type with nothing interesting to say.

Resident Evil: Revelations zombie dogs

Some parts of the game steer more towards the action genre, which may put some hardcore fans off.

Just a Pretty Face?

To say that Revelations? graphics are impressive is something of an understatement. This is easily the best-looking game on the 3DS, and it?s incredible to think that so early on in the system?s life cycle we?re seeing developers really squeeze a lot of juice out of it. The level of detail is especially intricate and the game sports some very large environments which are stuffed full of objects and advanced lighting. The 3D effect, at first sight, doesn?t appear to offer much, but that?s partly down to the default settings; a quick fiddle in the options menu to switch up the ?Enhanced 3D Depth Filtering? to ?Very Strong?, and the game practically becomes an entirely new experience. Aiming down the barrel of your gun is reminiscent of Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, allowing you to better judge the distance between you and an opponent.

Revelations suffers from the typical Capcom ailment of awkward controls. If you?re used to the system, you?ll have no trouble, although some enemies do move at a surprisingly fast pace. The tight corridors often result in you having to step back while firing, and because enemies will soak up a lot of bullets, this can prove frustrating if you?re not the best shot. Nevertheless, the quick 180 degree turn function and the ability to dodge incoming attacks do remedy this.

Revelations features a multiplayer mode, which, surprisingly, is not available until you?ve completed the single-player campaign. In fact, those who were hoping to work their way through the story mode with a friend will be disappointed to hear that the multiplayer is more of a score attack mode featuring tweaked areas from the single-player game. In this Raid mode, as it is known, taking down enemies with a friend is pleasing, and you?re scored on your performance, which in turn allows you to rake in a number of prizes and level up. If you?ve got a friend who you can play this with, then this is certainly one of the game?s most appealing modes.

The Final Verdict

On a technical level, Resident Evil: Revelations is a superb title, sporting superb visuals and excellent audio design. We?ve yet to see a title on 3DS which comes close to the same level of quality and polish that Revelations oozes, and it?s impressive that Capcom has seemingly mastered development on the system so quickly.

However, from a gameplay perspective, Revelations is far from perfect. The game suffers from something of an identity crisis, not only because the story jumps back and forth erratically, but also because it?s trying to be a third-person shooter and survival-horror game at the same time. It doesn?t blend together seamlessly and, as a result, the most enjoyable part of the game (the survival horror) is brought down by this.

If you?re a fan of the franchise, then it?s a no-brainer: you should buy this game. Those that are looking for a new experience on 3DS should be aware that the awkward controls and frequent shifts in gameplay/story may hinder you from working your way through the entire game. Nevertheless, if you can see past these flaws and are looking to invest in a title that gets the most out of your 3DS system, then Resident Evil: Revelations is a worthwhile investment.

Bits 'n' Bytes Gaming Recommended

Click?here?to learn more about how we review our games.

Source: http://bnbgaming.com/2012/02/02/review-resident-evil-revelations-3ds/

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